Vocal Pedagogy | The Science Of Singing Technique.
Vocal Pedagogy is the study of the art and science of voice instruction. Not all singing teachers understand the elements used to ensure vocal health. It is wise to use a methodology which covers a broad range of aspects related to singing technique.
How a singer breathes, their articulation nd postural alignment, tone quality (and much more) including blending of the registers, separate the amateur from the professional singer.
A singing teacher, ideally, must have an understanding of the physiology of the vocalis muscle and ligaments, to properly educate singing students in the foundations upon which a singer attains sustainable and sound singing technique. Without correct and appropriate singing technique for contemporary styles, a singer risks vocal damage.
Vocal Pedagogy In Contemporary Singing.
Regardless of whether a singing student sings for their personal interest or to fulfil a dream of working in the entertainment industry, healthy vocalising within contemporary genres is a must , and more interest is now being shown in the area of vocal health in singers.
It is not enough to know the lyrics of a song; a genre has a particular way of being delivered. It must be stylistically correct so it is delivered in an acceptable manner, as contemporary audiences expect to hear the songs presented this way.
To be employed in the contemporary music field, the budding or working professional must:
- Meet certain contemporary stylistic criteria;
- Train for healthy vocalising;
- Never compromise the requirements of the style.
Contemporary singers in the main require both thick and thin fold application, sob techniques, speech level production, conversational phrasing, and twang (using high laryngeal position). Breath support is important, using major muscle groups. The use of lowered larynx as an occasional effect is acceptable, especially in Jazz, and would ensure that the singer was being totally honest in the presentation of this particular style.
Learn more about Vocal Health or Repairing Vocal Damage.